I think East Tennessee is becoming the new Florida. Our weather has become so balmy and mild in the winter that it is rather pleasant most of the time. Sure, it snowed last week, and at times, it is downright cold, blustery, and bone-chilling. But most of the time, it is pleasant in the winter. I've heard a lot of people are relocating here purely to avoid all the hurricane scares in Florida. Whatever the case, Paul, Abbie and I would just like more snow!
On another note, Abbie has a question that she asks me most every day. There is a sink hole near her school, and it is right-smack-dab-in-the-middle of a shopping center parking lot. One little business, a frame shop that has since closed and moved, is perched right on the rim of the sink hole! I'm not sure if someone was just stupid enough to build something that close to the sink hole or if the sink hole has gradually enlarged over the years. Everyday, as we drive by, Abbie asks me if that store is going to fall into the hole. She is quite worried about it. I have given her an honest answer everyday, and I have varied my answer somewhat in order to find a way to satisfy her, but she asks anyway. I need to take a picture because Abbie has a right to be concerned. The ground underneath the very edge of the back of the building has started to cave in and droop downwards. So far, the building is staying put.
Actually, after passing this sinkhole everyday and Abbie always drawing attention to it, I have started wondering if the sink hole might extend under the road. Will someone just be driving their car down the road one day when - whoosh - a hole opens up and the car goes down into a deep cave? I don't share this thought with Abbie though - that would cause her too much worry.