Friday, November 2, 2007

Strange Questions

These days, Abbie is filled with questions, and she comes home with odd facts that she has learned from other kids in her class. I have to remind her not to believe everything she hears. Today, she asked me if it was true that you could burst a blood vessel in your throat if you cough too much. Yesterday, she asked me if you can be dead and your heart still be beating. Earlier this year, she asked me if there was a pink bee that could kill you. There are many more questions like that and not all of them are death or health related. Many times, we have sat down at the computer and researched things (something I love to do) to see if there is any fact to the things she hears, for example, the pink bee. We never did find a pink killer bee, but we did find some great educational bee and ant videos on National Geographic. For a while, she liked to talk about army ants (while her harvester ants were busy tunneling in her ant habitat).

While it is great that she is inquisitive, I never know what subject we are going to be discussing!

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