I absolutely KNOW that I made the right decision.
#1 I know God was talking to me
#2 Paul supported my decision
#3 I blogged about it
#4 I told my mom (who I thought would not understand), and she understood
#5 I told a friend (and I didn't feel like a freak while I was telling her, and I don't feel embarassed about the decision or shy about telling people that God was talking to me or that I know what my purpose is in life)
#6 I have not craved it or wanted it despite eating at a kick ass barbeque joint (I ate barbeque chicken)
I have used the phrase "kick ass" in two posts now. Hmmm. Just making an observation.
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Lorrie, That is a weird comment. I had a friend get one of those. Weird! Glad you updated
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