Memorial weekend, my mom went camping at Horse Creek. This is a picture of Abbie catching a trout. This is my brother, Craig, getting it off the hook for her.

My nephew, Andrew, showing his catch.

My niece, Rachel, showing the butterfly she caught.

Butterflies were swarming along the trail that we hiked. Actually, many were on the verge of dying. They had laid their eggs and were at the end of their life cycle.

Abbie and my niece Haley playing in the creek.

A cicada - see the red/orange eyes looking at you?

This is a cicada that has just emerged from its shell. This one is still working its wings, drying them off. Its body is still soft and has not finished changing colors.

More butterflies - these are near the creek getting water.

Look closely. This is a picture of strings of eggs in the water. They were corkscrewed with little black dots inside - hundreds of black dots. They are laying on fallen leaves that are under the water. This is very cold creek water. We originally thought these were frog eggs. A little further away from this area, there were eggs that had hatched. There were tiny little black creatures that were hatched but still attached to the stuff they had hatched out of - I don't know what you call it.

this is a close up. these were not hatched. When you lifted them from the water, they straightened out of their corkscrew. It felt a little like jelly. My brother said they were NOT frog eggs but leaches. I find that hard to believe. We have never seen leaches or have ever heard of anyone getting leaches on them at Horse Creek. Surely the water is too cold. I will have to research this.
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