*That phrase has come out of my mouth several times lately.
First, we had a big, big thunder and lightning storm - which is always a thrill for me. I just like 'em, especially if I am safe at home. I actually saw the neighbor's house get hit by lightning (but I didn't know that was what I was seeing at the time). The lightning hit their chimney and caused the brick to crumble and their electrical box got sizzled. Our power was out until 10 pm. Using candles can be fun!
While looking for our emergency supplies (most are in one location, but some were not where they were supposed to be...), we found a water leak in our downstairs bathroom, under the sink. It's been leaking for some time. Well, crap!
The next day, I discovered that my beautiful new corn was mostly laying over sideways. I stopped short as soon as I saw it, and said, "Aw, crap!" Luckily, I've saved it. I held those boys up and squished the mud down around the stalks as tight as I could. Later when they started listing to the side again, I added a rock to the bottom of the stalks. It's all good now!
Day 2 after the storm, we discovered that we couldn't get the internet going. After troubleshooting with our cable provider, Paul determined that our cable modem got zapped during the storm. We have all the computer cables and whatnot attached to a surge protector----everything except the modem cable ---that's how it got zapped but not the computer. Paul replaced the modem (and got some sort of surge protector for it) and everything is spiffy again.
Today, as I was hurrying home, I passed a motorcycle cop who "chirped me" as he passed me, did a u-turn, and pulled in behind me and started his blue lights. "Well, crap!" I said (and Abbie can confirm this). I got a ticket for going 51 in a 30. It would be almost impossible to go 30 in this area where I got the ticket. I'm pretty sure it is a speed trap. Paul just got a speeding ticket several weeks ago. I guess it was just our time. Neither of us has had a ticket in several years. It was educational for Abbie to see this process - that's my positive spin on this. Paul says the police are giving all these tickets to bankroll the rise in gas prices. Whatever. Now I am paranoid that I might get another one and have to go to an 8 hour driving school. I also did not have my current proof of insurance with me, but he didn't give me a hard time about that, thank goodness!
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