I'm totally stealing this subject from Cute Overload. I just can't help it. For those who don't understand cuteoverloadese, Kronsche = Crunch, chomp
Here is the topic: Can we just make breakfast cereal out of kitten ears already?
Here are the suggested cereal names -Marmalade Sugar Kronsches - they're not just for breakfast
Coco Kronsche (if you have black cat)
Frosted Triangle Kronche
Cute Loops
Frosted Ear Flakes
In other news, Abbie has been sick for the last 2 days and missed school. She's all better now. While she was sick she made the following request, "I want the cats to come sleep on me." She requested that because we have a long history of felines that can sense sickness and will sleep on you if you're sick. It's their way of trying to make you feel better. I bet most animals have this innate sense.
In other news, an appliance repairman came today, and I had to put Angel in timeout (my bathroom) because he wouldn't leave the man alone. But he got out! Later in the day, I hollered for Abbie to check on her whereabouts. She yelled back, "I'm conducting an experiment." She had put Angel back in the bathroom and then sat outside the door to observe how he got out. She'll be writing up a lab report (just kidding).
In other news, I had one wrapped gift under the tree. The kittens unwrapped it (it was merely wrapped in tissue paper held together with wide ribbon). When I finally get around to wrapping gifts with paper, I wonder what they will do. You have to expect some shenanigans with kittens in the house. Dogs are known to open/shred gifts too. At least the kittens have not climbed the tree and caused it to fall over. Yet....
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