Friday, March 6, 2009

Homework Hassles

We've started a new homework routine b/c what we were doing was not working. I read a book about "Taking the Hassle out of Homework" or something like that. Anyway, I think it was harder on me to make the change than it was on Abbie.
She now has her own desk in her room, and she does all her homework in there. The other day, I discovered that she had made a sign for her door - two sided. I was impressed that she had really taken in all the info I had given her about our new routine. Notice she even included the ABC's of our new procedure:
A = all by myself (meaning mom does not ask about homework, there are no distractions such as cats being in the room, etc)
B = back off (meaning mom does not hover while she does her homework nor does mom or dad check it unless she asks us to)
C = call it quits at a reasonable time (meaning she has to have it done (if she chooses to do it) by 7:30 pm, no exceptions
Well, the first two weeks were excruciating b/c I wasn't supposed to even ask if she had homework or say, "shouldn't you be doing your homework?" I need to get BACK OFF tatooed on my arm.
But I did devise a plan that worked. When we get home from school, I say, "I'm going to start dinner, what are you going to do?" And she usually says homework all on her own. But if she doesn't then I don't sweat it anymore. It's her choice.
The other night, she got the bright idea that we should all sit in the living room with the fire going and read. We all thought that was a great idea, but she hadn't finished her homework. I told her that she could sit with us and read and that she didn't have to do her homework - it was her choice. She chose to finish her homework!
I have also told her that if she gets her homework done on Monday nights and Wednesday nights (instead of stretching it with some to do every night) then she have more play time with the cats and she and I are going to start volunteering at the animal shelter on Thursday. She is stoked! We filled out our volunteer paperwork yesterday. But we only volunteer is her homework is done - it's her choice.
I think this is going to work out.


Leslie said...

Awesome idea to motivate her. What can we devise to motivate ourselves with housework? LOL Like her door sign. Smart cookie she is! :)

Foster Kittens said...

The only thing that motivates me to do housework is if someone is coming over. So call me every week and announce a surprise visit.