Friday, April 3, 2009

Too Busy

I've been too busy to blog lately. I miss it.

We've been doing several home improvement projects lately. And we hired a handyman to do the other stuff that we can't or don't have time to do.

This handyman is amazing! He's a retired engineer and can do anything, and he's a very hard worker.

This weekend, we hope to get the new shutters up. There are two rooms downstairs that I've been procrastinating about - they need to be cleaned out completely. I need some motivation...

A man stopped Paul one day and told him that he was interested in our house. He left his name and number, and I kept the info b/c I planned to call him when we were closer to putting it on the market. Today, he came by again, and he's really interested! Eeee! We're going to call him and see what we can negotiate. But I really can't let anyone come look at the house until I get the carpets cleaned and get those two rooms cleaned. I need Paul to bribe me with a pedicure and dinner out or a facial or something. I just don't want to {wah wah}. I'm going to have to suck it up and do it tomorrow.

Yeah, tomorrow.........

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