Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cussing and Smiling

*Warning - there is NO cussing in this post.*

I am NOT a morning person. Not, not, not!!!

A perfect day for me is to sleep until I wake up (usually 9 - 9:30 am) assuming I go to bed at 11 pm or midnight. I like to wake up on my own - no alarm clock, no one telling me they are hungry, no phone ringing, etc. Even though that doesn't happen a lot, that is my preference, and I don't care who knows it.

The early morning drive to school is not my favorite duty. Many mornings, when the alarm goes off, I think mean thoughts (cuss words or just a general pissed off feeling). Lately, though, I have tried to break myself of the cussing (even if it's quietly in my head), but I still think "that can't be the alarm" every time the alarm goes off.

Some mornings, I'm on the road - about 7 minutes away from the school, and I suddenly realize that I am 1) awake, 2) in the car, driving, and 3) in disbelief that I am awake, out of bed, and in the car driving. Think about that for a minute.

Last week, as we pulled out of the driveway, I remarked "pink sky in morning." And Abbie finished the phrase with "sailors warning." That made me smile. I told her how my dad always recited that phrase to me every time he saw a pink sky.

My dad was my school driver, and he and I had a good time together. Everytime there was fog, he would say, "It's froggy. Someone must have let a frog out." He taught me several little catchy phrases. I continue the tradition with Abbie.

Even though I hate being out of bed so early on school mornings, I enjoy the scenery and conversations with Abbie. I smile when I think of my early school mornings with my dad.

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