I learned that phrase from my mother-in-law. She once told me that she would repeat the phrase over and over again when she had misplaced or lost something. I think someone had told her about the phrase (or maybe it was something she learned from her own mom); it's supposed to help you find stuff.
I always, always think of this phrase now when I lose stuff. I think it's just a catchy phrase for some reason. It doesn't rhyme, but it has a sing-song quality. I don't think I use the phrase in the manner it was meant to be used. It tends to float through my mind one time then it's gone! Maybe that's why I can't find stuff.
I honestly can't stand to lose things. Especially when the lost item is something I know I saw just a few days ago, but I just can't remember where exactly I saw it. I routinely lose my usb drive. I hate losing that thing!
The good news is that I recently found 2 things that have been lost for about 2 years. I don't sleep in earrings. If I forget to take them off and put them in their proper place, I put them on my bedside table. One day, I lost one of my amythyst earrings because of this practice. I got down on my hands and knees and looked and looked. I moved the mattress around and lots of other things. It was gone, and it's been missing for 2 years or more. Recently, Abbie brought the earring to me. I was all enthusiastic and had her show me the exact spot she found it. It had been under the bed - barely - close to the edge. Believe it or not, I do vacuum under the bed so how did it get missed all this time? I don't know or care and am glad Abbie found it!
The other item was a Mary Engelbreit print - it's a pretty picture that is double matted. I had ordered it along with 3-4 other pictures. When the box arrived, I unpacked the prints from the box and set them aside until I could get frames for all of them. Once I did purchase the frames and was ready to start hanging pictures, I couldn't find one of the prints. I turned that room upside down! And pulled my hair out! And told Paul I was losing my mind. And then I looked again. Never found it - and it was my favorite print of all the ones I had ordered.....
This weekend, Paul was cleaning out the garage, and he found the print. As soon as I saw it, I knew it had to be the long-lost print. I was amazed and asked him where it had been. He vaguely told me "some box" which didn't really help me figure out how I had missed finding it all this time, but I didn't really care. I was just glad I was holding it in my hands at long last.
Things are lost and things are found and that is good!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
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