Thursday, October 30, 2008


Apparently, there is something very life-like about Abbie's cat costume. For Halloween, she is going to be Little Man, our black kitten who is a polydactyl.

Last night, I finished sewing her paws - one has 6 toes and the other has 7 toes.

Tonight, she tried on her kitten costume, paws, and ears. She went around the kitchen meowing.

Slowly, we noticed the amazing reaction that the actual kittens had. Both kittens eyes were huge and staring; their ears were flattened; and Angel's back was arched and his tail was bushed out!

I guess they really thought she was a huge cat!

I will take pictures and post them tomorrow (we also did a test run with her face paint, and it turned out awesome!). Maybe I can get a picture of Angel and Little Man's reaction too.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Is it tomorrow? *nudge nudge* :) She did look very cute! I loved her costume and her face paint.