Monday, December 24, 2007

Kids Shows for Grown Ups

This is the Christmas picture we didn't use.

The other day, Abbie had some kid's show on, and there was a song that went like this: "I like to share, sharing is fun." They sang this line over and over and over and over and over again to a catchy little tune. I think that same line was repeated 20 or more times. The whole show was about sharing, and there were several other songs that went with the theme. Basically, I think it was a good message even though it seemed a teeny bit like brain washing.

So I got to thinking that they should make similar shows for grown ups because there are plenty of adults that don't seem to know right from wrong. There could be a song like "I like my wife, I will not kill her and throw her in the lake, I like my wife...." And another one like "I will use my turn signal, turn signals are fun..." I could think of tons more.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Kids Say Crazy Things

The picture above is when Abbie had some 12 hour bug and Baby got in bed with her during her nap. It is so cool that our pets always seem to be in tune with when we are feeling bad. Our deceased cat, Molly, was uncanny in her abilities to sense unhappiness/sickness. She would sleep on top of me when I was sick.
Overheard Abbie saying and doing the following things:

"I'm going to crave on this every December" - what she said after trying the white Christmas party mix I made yesterday

"Were you at Stephen's house today?" - What she asked Paul one evening after work. He said, "no." Then Abbie said, "then why do you smell like grease?" This is so funny if you know Stephen. He and Paul like to tinker with their Z cars and always have this funny smell about them afterwards.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Every day, as I am driving in the car, I think about things to blog about. Then when I get home, after supper, after homework, after playtime, after chores, after bedtime - when I finally get a little time to blog - I can't remember what my good ideas were earlier in the day!