Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pros and Cons of Moving

Well, we're in our new house, and we've settled in really well. Of course, there were moments of "Do I really want to move? Are we doing the right thing? What if I don't like the new house? What if, what if?"
But the transition was fairly easy and once we got here there was no looking back. But of course nothing is perfect. There are pros and cons.

Con - I'm going to miss the countryside.
Con - I'm going to miss the cows and ponds and wild turkeys and pastures and hillsides and woods and donkeys and a bunch of other STUFF!
Pro - I get to sleep 15 minutes longer on school days!
Con that is not a con - I can hear the train a little more here but it is not a problem and not very noticable.
Pro - I do not have to cross the train tracks anymore or get caught sitting at the train tracks while the train is stopped and blocking the road for who knows how long.
Con - I don't have as much storage space and that is the hardest thing to deal with!
Pro - the fireplace in the new house is easier to use so it gets used more and I like that!
Con - the garage is a tight fit for our two vehicles.
Pro - the cats' litterboxes are in the basement and I love that!
Pro but also a con - I like the new flat top stove but it is taking some getting used to and I have already scratched it. I bought some stuff for it tonight that may buff the scratch out...
Pro - I like our media room
Con - I will miss, miss, miss my neighbors
Pro - I'm looking forward to biking in this neighborhood when it warms up
Pro - I like being closer to the grocery store and other stores
Con - I still miss the country and hope to move back there some day
Pro - I like the big roomy shower in the master bath
PRO - I REALLY like having all hardwood floors - I DO NOT miss the carpet. I actually like vacuuming now and like that I can see all the dust bunnies and get them. I like being able to vacuum under the bed and other stuff.
Con - If my knees or Paul's knees go, we're in big trouble!
Con - So far, I can't catch the feral cats at the old house. There is no one else to feed them. Those cats depend on me. I might have to go get hypnotized to make me forget that there are cats out there that need to be fed. But I still have several more days to catch them....I'm praying...
That's all for now!

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