Friday, April 24, 2009


Since resigning from one his jobs, Paul is working 3 days a week. He has 4 day weekends!
He is home with me on Monday and Friday while Abbie is in school (he usually takes her to school on those days - I get to sleep in a little).
So far, we've been doing house projects, but we are mostly done. I told him today that we need to start planning dates - go out to eat, maybe take a drive, go to a movie (stuff Abbie can't watch). He agreed. I'm looking forward to that.
He did do a small project today then he and I went mattress shopping. It feels kind of strange to be out together, shopping on a weekday. But I could get used to this!
So far we have not experienced that married-couple-retires-and-discover-that-they-can't-stand-spending-all-day-together syndrome.
I'm hoping we can keep this schedule for as long as possible.
While eating lunch today at Olive Garden, we were discussing how to pronounce certain meal options in Italian. I said I'd like to visit Italy (we've both read a few books set in Italy, but we're not experts). Paul liked that idea too. He said if we sell our house and still haven't found a house we want to buy, it would be the perfect opportunity for him to do a Locum Tenens....Italy, Australia, Hawaii, or some other place we'd like to visit. Who knows? It might work out........

1 comment:

Leslie said...

So if you move to one of those places then I get to come and visit (for FREE), right? LOL J/K Sounds romantic. I'm glad you two have enjoyed your time together. I *think* I might if Wade worked like that but he may drive me crazy too. Dunno. We would probably work through it. We almost always get along so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out. ;)