Sunday, April 5, 2009

Still Busy

We've had a busy weekend. Lots of home improvement projects.

Yes, I did start the project that I was procrastinating about. No, I did not finish or even put a huge dent in it.

Buying more Rubbermain Roughneck tubs helps. Some things are easy to pack, but other things... I can't decide if I should pack vertically or horizontally. Paul asked me today if we would "miss" any of this stuff that we're packing up and taking to storage. Some of it (winter clothes) is a yes, but most of it is probably a no.

We went out the eat on Saturday, and Paul and I both made our own "to-do" lists. Our lists do not overlap b/c there is so much to do. And neither list is short.

Paul called the dude that wants to buy/look at the house, and our goal is to have it ready by next weekend.

Today, we went to church. I prepared and served communion. Abbie waved some palms and sang. After church, while Paul and Abbie put away the communion items, I changed clothes and drove straight to my dads. He and I had a good time together. I got all his bills paid, swept and mopped the whole house, and changed the litter box. He and I gathered eggs together, and he gave me a dozen to take home. He's got two sets of eggs in an incubator. What is he going to do with all these chickens? I got a sneaky feeling today that he likes giving eggs away to his neighbors and friends so that he can have company. Ahhhhh! :)

Then I came home and watched a movie with Abbie and snuggled her.

In other news, Abbie really likes the Pink Panther movies with Steve Martin. She can do an excellent imitation of a French person speaking English. Paul can too. Me, not so much, but I try! Everyday, they speak with a French accent. I told Paul that I think it makes me love him even more. Can't explain why, it's just hilarious and fun and cute!
Oddly, Abbie speaks with a French accent perfect in-person, but on the phone, she can't really do it. I don't understand why that happens, but you'll have to visit our house to meet our "French exchange student."

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