Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Comfort Foods

I've been a little sick this week. Just a little head cold. No fever, no aches. Just stuffy nose and head ache and lack of energy. But I know just how to treat it: mucinex (big ole horse pills that work really well on breaking up congestion in your head or chest), tylenol, and sleep. Rest and sleep work wonders for your body when you're sick.
And cats - that's the wonder drug of choice in my house. The last two days, after I've taken Abbie to school, I come home and go back to bed. The kitties get in bed with me and snuggle close. Going to sleep hearing their purrs is so sweet. When I wake up, I usually have all the cats in bed with me. Angel is usually on top of me, Friday is on one side of me and Little Man is on the other side. Or one cat is at my feet.
In the past, Baby is also one of the caregiver-kitties, but right now, she is addicted to sleeping on Abbie's bed.
Comfort food is also essential to feeling better. Today, I felt well enough to go to the grocery store. I made taco soup (not a comfort food (for me) but it is easy to make when you don't feel like cooking) and baked mac & cheese.
I have tried many mac & cheese recipes - trying to find the best one. I keep coming back to my friend Leslie's recipe, but I have modified it a bit.

Baked Macaroni & Cheese
8 oz elbow macaroni, prepared according to box directions
2-4 cups shredded cheddar cheese; depends on how cheesy you want it
1 cup milk
1 egg
salt and pepper

This recipe makes enough for a regular size casserole dish (2 quart size???).
In a sauce pan, I mix the milk and egg together and add 1-2 cups of the shredded cheese - cook over low heat, stirring often until the cheese melts.
Pour half the cooked macaroni in the dish and salt and pepper it. Pour half the melted cheese on top. Sprinkle with some shredded cheddar cheese. Add the rest of the cooked macaroni - salt and pepper it again. Pour rest of melted cheese on top. Sprinkle with shredded cheddar cheese. Bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes.

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