Saturday, April 17, 2010


A fellow blogger posted their top ten confessions on being a mother and challenged others to do the same. I'll give it a shot.

1) I remember great things about the baby stage. I remember being a zombie from about 6 months to 2 years old.

2) Lately, I have felt pretty great about my mothering skills. I'm screwing up a lot less!!! :)

3) My child will soon be ten. That freaks me out a little. I'm planning a "ten" themed party. Shhhh.....

4) Abbie knows what she wants to be when she grows up. I can see it happening. I'll be working for her someday.

5) Sometimes, I really think I have been cloned in my child. I can see myself in her (not looks). It's kind of like watching yourself grow up. I hope I can steer her around the backwardsness that plagued me.

6) I love that she likes to read. I just found some books I had in elementary school, and I can't wait to share the stories with her.

7) My one big regret is not having another child.

8) My next big regret is not having a smidgen of patience.

9) I hope she will enjoy scrapbooking and traveling so that we can do it together.

10) If/when she goes to college (she says she's not going - ha!), I secretly plan to move to wherever she goes.

1 comment:

Annie said...

What a very sweet post, Lorrie. And a great idea as well. You are a wonderful mother and I'm sure Abbie is going to do wonderful at whatever she wants to be when she grows up (does it have to do with animals?).