Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The 20 Year Mark

Today is our 14 year wedding anniversary and the 20 year anniversary of being together. Unfortunately, we weren't really able to celebrate today because I am busy with Abbie's birthday party plans, and I forgot to get a babysitter lined up. But that's okay. After all this time, we don't have to go out or buy special gifts to celebrate - although we do enjoy those things! I cooked supper and had it hot and ready when Paul walked in the door. Paul remembered the day and brought me a canister of Almond Rocha and a nice card. It said, "Sometimes when we're lying in bed, I look over at you and think, "I am so lucky." the inside said, "Then you start snoring in that snorty way, and I think, "Well, that's annoying, but I'm still lucky." What's funny is that I don't snore (sometimes he does), but I did wake him up last night to tell him that he seemed to be having bad dreams. I was trying to break the cycle so he could start over with something nice when he went back to sleep. I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and when I came back to bed, I quietly said his name while I was standing on my side of the bed. He woke up with a start and completely freaked out to see me standing there. I had good intentions!
Anyway, he wrote in the card that he looks forward to coming home to me everyday and that he would marry me all over again. That's the best gift I could have gotten. I told him that I would also marry him again and that I also look forward to him coming home. With a wry grin, he said, "I know because you follow me around the house as soon as I walk in the door."

1 comment:

Annie said...

Happy Anniversary to the both of you!! Marc and I didn't buy each other anything for our 5 year last week...we just did dinner. I like it like that though, you can concentrate on each other and not the gifts.