Sunday, July 6, 2008


This is an example of what a polydactyl cat paw looks like. My new kitten has 23 toes. The back paws have 5 toes each (normally there are 4 toes on the back), one front paw has 7 toes and the other front paw has 6 toes (normally there are 4 toes on the front). My little boy has a total of seven extra toes. It is cute, but sometimes when you stare it and watch him flex his paws and extend his claws, it is a leetle bit freakish. I will post photos soon. I took some close ups of his paws, but I haven't transferred them from the camera yet.
We have had this kitten for about 24 hours, and he still doesn't have a name. I am a very picky pet namer. Paul and Abbie continually throw out names, but none of them are making the cut. By the way, he is solid black and has green eyes. Here are a few examples of names we have discussed:
Darth Meow - Paul - cute, but this is only a small maybe
Darth Kitty - Abbie - taking a cue from Paul
Devil - Paul - a big no
Red - Paul - because he is red on the inside - another big no
That's What She Said - me - trying make Paul laugh, it worked
7 Toes - Abbie
Apollo - me - because I am a big Battlestar Galactica fan
Starbuck - me - because I am a big Battlestar Galactic fan
Jury - me - a name from a favorite character from a favorite author
Shade - Paul - but he thinks that would be more appropriate for a gray cat
.....and the list goes on......
I'm taking serious name submissions so feel free to make suggestions. I'm getting lots of pressure from Paul and Abbie to name him.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Oh. My. Gosh. He is so freaking cute! I want to play with him right now. Seeing all of these cute cats is really making my Powder "problem" seem harder for some reason. Thanks! No, just kidding, I love to see your kitties. I think you should name him Polly...I know. Original eh? Seriously though, don't call him Red. Paul! So thanks for the advise today, I will make our vet apt. first thing in the morning!