Monday, December 15, 2008

Church Christmas Program

Yesterday, the children put on a Christmas program that basically enacted the birth of Jesus (not the actual birth, people!).
There were no speaking parts. There was no acting required. The kids just had to walk in on cue and stand there. They all had costumes, and there was a narrator who told the story and some lovely music that kids did not enjoy!!!!!
It was very entertaining although too long and Abbie was thoroughly bored at every practice.
Here is the entertaining part:
Mary was two heads taller than Joseph.
The donkey and the sheep slept the whole time (good thing their parents were there to hold them).
Two of the angels cried. One angel lost her halo so a little shepherd girl decided to wear the halo.
The smallest wise man got mad and threw his crown.

Had it not been for those entertaining parts, Paul would have been sleeping along with the sheep and donkey.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

LOL Love the "entertaining" parts. :) Sounds like it turned out very cute.