Sunday, December 7, 2008


Near the exit to our area of town, there is a cemetary. Every year, at Christmas, they put out luminaries that line the drive into the cemetary.

Now these are real luminaries - real candles down in a paper bag (there's probably some sand in the bottom of the bag).

This year, they have outdone themselves. The cemetary is rather large with a long, winding driveway. The luminaries line both sides of the drive way throughout the cemetary. Plus, they put a luminary on every gravesite. And the flag pole has a double ring of luminaries around it. In a large patch of grass, they created a large cross out of luminaries.

It's a beautiful sight at night. There must be thousands of luminaries. I wonder how long it takes to light them? Do they have a team of volunteers to help light them? I will try to find out.

1 comment:

Annie said...

This was always a big deal in Albuquerque. It was a tradition there. Everyone does them. They are so pretty.