Monday, May 25, 2009


I'm not superstitious and never have been. I wasn't raised to be superstitious so maybe that's why I'm not. I believe in personal choice instead of good luck/bad luck.

I have known superstitious people. A friend's mom was very superstitious about black cats. She thought it was bad luck if a black cat crossed her path, and she would make a mark in the air (a cross or an x - I can't remember) to erase the bad luck.

Lots of people "knock on wood." I have been known to do that, but it seems more of a habit from having seen other people do it. I'm thankful to God for the good things in my life, and I'm thankful for making good decisions/choices - but I don't think "knocking on wood" is an appropriate way to show my thankfulness. But sometimes I do it! :)

A lady I used to work with would throw salt over her shoulder every time we went out to eat. I thought superstitious people only threw salt over their shoulder if they accidentally spilled some. But she threw the salt every time.

While we've been looking at houses, we have certain criteria that we're looking for - like number of bedrooms or size of property or where the neighborhood is located. I rarely pay attention to the actual address, but I'd love my future address to have a street name that is easy to spell. I detest spelling my last name, my first name (b/c my mom had to be different but I do like my name spelling), AND my street name. Even though I don't pay a lot of attention to the actual address, I do eventually see the address and consider it.

Here is a list of my past street numbers:

Here is something that I noticed. There is a 4, a 1, and a zero in all of those. Even though I'm not superstitious, if I found myself in a tie breaker between two houses, I'd pick the house with a 4, a zero, and a 1.

We looked at a house today that we REALLY like and are considering making an offer - its address is 403.

In other news. our cat Angel is missing. Last night, I decided to clean the oven using the self cleaning option. I have never done this before. I used to pay my housekeeper to do it for me. I have not cleaned the oven since we let her go. It was time to clean it, but I'm proud to say that it wasn't nasty or disgusting, but there was a spill. I cracked a kitchen window in case the kitchen got stinky or got that "hot" smell. I only cracked the window a bit since there is no screen. I also didn't want the cats to get out or bugs to fly in. When I went to bed, I realized that Angel was not around. I looked everywhere - twice - I even looked in the freezer. I woke up Abbie to ask her when she saw him last. I asked Paul twice if he could remember when he saw him last. I knew when I'd seen him - just before we went on a walk, and I knew he was in the house. Once we came back from the walk, we didn't go back out so I couldn't think how he would have gotten outside. I kept going back to Paul asking him how Angel could have gotten outside. He wasn't really paying attention since he was playing a computer game. Meanwhile, I was going to the front door, back door, upstairs garage, and downstairs garage multiple times. Much later (midnight maybe) Paul finally told me that he had opened the kitchen window much wider while the oven was cleaning. Ahhh - that's how Angel got out. Today, we had flyers made and distributed them around the neighborhood. We hope he finds his way home!

Abbie's big question of the day: "Mom, do you have to be married to get a baby?" I told her the truth, and I think I explained it well.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

That's weird about your house numbers, pretty cool. And while I'm not superstitious, I would probably do the same (about picking between two houses and selecting the one with a 4 and 1). SO you shouldn't make an offer on that 403 (or whatever number it was) house. Nope, you shouldn't. ;)

Sorry Angel is still missing. I've been looking out my window like crazy scanning the area for a white cat. I told Mr. Tony about him missing too. Hope he turns up soon. Elizabeth made a sign and put it at our stop sign yesterday afternoon.