Friday, May 22, 2009

Vampires & Second-Wife-Search Update

Paul has finally decided to read the Twilight series. So far, he and I agree on all the things that bug us about the books.

As we were briefly discussing the books, he mentioned that it doesn't make sense that vampires are supposed to be cold (or very, very cold). His reasoning is that even a chair will be room temperature, plus they are clothed, and they might have some circulation going on (we're not sure about that one though). Makes complete sense to me.

Then we agreed that it doesn't make sense that vampires are supposed to be hard or like stone. Our reasoning is rock solid. Sorry about the pun!

And we agreed that Anne Rice has done vampires the best - in our opinion. We might have to write our own vampire book to prove our genius about vampire physiology.

Remember this post? Well, I did go right out to the grocery store. And I've cooked twice since that post (I'm not even going to tell the gourmet things I made so no one will be jealous). And we've interviewed a Miss Bell and a Miss Brown for the job of second wife (as in Taco Bell and Cootie Browns).

1 comment:

Leslie said...

LOL about the interviews. I have to say I've not got into vampires so I don't know much about them. :)