Monday, May 12, 2008

Food Network

Foooooood ! Net-worrrrr - k! ---- sing it in an opera voice

We love watching Food Network. We didn't get Food Network while we were in DC, and we were having withdrawals. Paul likes almost more than I do.
We love watching "Diners, Drive-Ins, & Dives" and "Iron Chef" and "Good Eats." Although, we'll watch just about any of the shows.
Some of the shows make me want to run up to the kitchen and whip something up, some shows make me want to travel to certain cities to try their food, some shows challenge me to try new recipes, and some shows are just very entertaining. Miraculously, Paul and I do not snack while we are watching.
As much as Paul likes to watch, he does not get the itch to experiment in the kitchen. Paul really can't cook, but I think he'd love to take a cooking class. He might just discover a new hobby.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Ok so on this topic. I am obsessed with Top Chef. If you have not watched it (on Bravo) you need to try it out. It is a competition like survivor for chefs. So cool, and they make some pretty awesome stuff. You are right it really inspires you to make some good food.