Monday, August 4, 2008

New Niece

My new niece was born today, August 4 at 1pm.
Her name is Kylee Ann, and she was 2 weeks early but weighed 7 lbs 14 ounces and was 21 inches long. Sounds fully baked to me!
Abbie and I held her tonight, and she is super cute! But of course, my camera batteries were dead.
My sister-in-law went to the hospital at 12 last night, but they sent her home b/c she was only dilated 1 cm. They gave her two percosets and told her to go home and go to sleep. The meds did not touch her pain so she went back to the hospital around 6 am. They kept her this time she was at 3 cm. At 4 cm, she got the epidural. An hour later, she was 10 cm and ready to push. It only took about 40 minutes after she started pushing!

1 comment:

Annie said...

OH, how sweet. She looked so cute pregnant too! I was going to comment about that yesterday. So jealous that you have a little baby out there to hold! I love them at that age, they really are "in between two worlds". Sounds like her labor went well? At least it was pretty short:) Have fun with that little baby!