Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Complaint Dept

If you have any complaints, post them here. I've got a good one (I think).

Another post about ballet - mainly b/c I'm there a lot lately. Abbie's ballet company has two teachers - those are really the only 2 people that run the place. There is a non-profit section to the company (so they can get grants), and there is a board for that, but I never hear or see anyone or anything about the board.
With the teachers being busy teaching, there is no one to do all the other things that need to be done so they use A LOT of volunteers. I think certain parents (maybe this is where board members come into play) take turns cleaning the place each week, and 9 times out of 10, the place is a mess and dirty. The bulletin boards are jammed, and no one cleans them off, but new things do get added.
There is a hand written sign (one of the teachers probably got one of the ballerinas to write it) on the door that warns you that tuition is due by the 10th of the month or there is an additional fee. They are big on timely payments.
Yesterday, a mom was suddenly asked to create a sign up sheet for the reception after the recital. She didn't know what items to suggest people to bring, she didn't know how many to expect to feed, she had to keep going back to ask for details from the teacher. She had to find scrap paper to create a sign up sheet. She and another mom also made a sign about the next few practice days - where and when they are - because there was no consensus between the teachers and all the other parents were operating on different info.

But here is my complaint!!!!

I spend all this time taking Abbie to ballet (we blow an hour each week before class starts then she is there for an hour and a half). And I pay the tuition (on time!) and buy the requisite black leotards and pink, non-shiny tights and real ballet shoes. I take her to the extra Saturday practices for the recital (the extra classes and dress rehearsals add up to lots of hours). I pay the recital fee for the costume that is specially made. They've even added an extra dress rehearsal this year (so there will be two dress rehearsals) so we'll be at that too. The night of the recital, she has to be there an hour before the show begins. She will arrive with a button down shirt so that it is easy to remove so she can put on her costume. Her hair will be in a perfect ballet bun - no hairs sticking out anywhere. And she will have makeup on (a modest amount in a color they specify - I already have it all packed and ready to go). And I will be dressed in a nice skirt and top, Paul will be dressed nice, and we will surprise Abbie with a bouquet of flowers after the performance. And we may even have guests coming to watch her perform. And I will arrive with a veggie tray and plate of cookies that I volunteered to bring for the reception afterwards. I do all this for Abbie.

The kicker is - if the teachers have their way - I won't get to see the performance. They might need me to volunteer to take tickets, or stay downstairs with the girls (chaperone) until they get called to perform, or get the food & drinks ready for the reception. They have other moms who go around with headsets and clipboards (kind of like a backstage manager). Some moms are needed at the sides of the stage. Some jobs won't take much time, but they mostly need chaperones, and if you do that (which I admit is important), you don't get to see the show at all. I did it one year so I know.

Now the ballet classes aren't for me, but I think the payoff is getting to see your child perform. If they ask me to volunteer and I decline, I will be viewed as a "non-team player." Blech!


Leslie said...

Um, tell them you won't even be able to come to the performance and then, cool! Last minute your original plans get cancelled and you get to go. LOL I don't know. Just an idea.

You know I can get rolling on complaints but right now I'm okay with life. That is right now, on Thursday, May 21st at 9:27 pm. Ask me tomorrow though. ;)

Foster Kittens said...

How are you now?

Ok, I can't tell them we're not coming (even though I know we are) b/c then they will think Abbie isn't going to be in the recital and heads would roll!

Leslie said...

No, I meant to tell them that just *you* couldn't go.

Still pretty much complaint free. I do wish there was something in my house to eat for breakfast though. LOL All I've had is coffee this morning and after just cleaning the kids' bathroom, I'm feeling woozy. Ugh.