Friday, November 7, 2008

Theme Song

Yesterday, out of the blue, Paul asked me to look up "Rocket Robin Hood." I had never heard of it, but apparently, it's an old cartoon that he used to watch. I found it mentioned on Wikipedia, and a Google search showed several uTube links.
I tried one of the links and entered vintage cartoon nirvana - for Paul, that is.
First, I played the Rocket Robin Hood theme song. I shifted to the left of the computer monitor so I could watch Paul's expression - to see if he recognized the song right away. He did.
Then I proceeded to click other links for other cartoons that I thought he might have watched.
We listened to Herculoids, Space Ghost, The Incredible Hulk cartoon, Batman, Iron Man, Fantastic 4, and others. Once you click one link, uTube finds others you might like too. Paul didn't recognize all of them because he hadn't watched the shows. But he knew most of them.
Again, when I clicked the Spiderman theme song, I shifted to the side to watch Paul as the song played. He was bopping his head around and singing the words and had a silly, cute smile on his face. I really am married to a 12 year old!
Actually, a long time ago, when Paul and I were dating, he taught me the words to the Spiderman theme song. We sing this song from time to time. It has a catchy tune. Recently, Abbie and I made up a song for Little Man to this tune. Then we made one up for Angel too.
Later in the evening, when the cats finally got off his lap, he watched several episodes and vignettes on uTube. I now have some Christmas present ideas.

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